Thursday, 27 July 2017

These be my thoughts:

1. Be financially independent.

2. Be emotionally healthy. You and you alone are responsible for your inner and deepest fulfilment for the rest of your life.

3. Love and take pleasure from your physical body. Your body is merely an outer case made from flesh and bones. It is the least most interesting part of you.

4. Give

5. Don't tell lies.

6. Try to put others first knowing it's not always easy or possible. Just try.

7. Exercise and move your body everyday.

8. Don’t hold back the tears- let ‘em flow baby!

9.  Eat well

10.      Drink well and be merry

11.                  Music makes everything better.

12.                  Work energetically.

13.                  Regularly bathe in nature.

14.                  Don’t have overly high expectations of others- you’ll only feel let down, rather have high expectations of yourself knowing you’ll disappoint yourself too from time to time.

15.                  Eating a pack of cheese and onion Taytos at any time of the day or night is perfectly acceptable.

16.                  Be prepared to be alone.

17.                  Don't call me princess for god sake - I'm not waiting to be saved by any bloody prince!
18.                  Invest in high quality curtains- they’ll last lifetimes.

19. The universe will reward you for taking risks on its behalf.

20.                  Put good quality lipstick on your lips every day and smile!

21.                  Search for meaning in life- but know you’ll not find any mind bending answers in any one place.

22.                  Laugh as freely and as frequently as is humanly possible.

23.                  Learn how to listen deeply.

24.                  Reflect often on your actions and how they may be affecting you and those around you. I’ve never thought it wrong to overthink our emotions/actions.

25.                  Fight laziness.

26.                  Don’t curse excessively. Find a better word and use that instead.

27.                  Life will make you suffer- this is inevitable.

28.                  Please clip your toenails in the privacy of a bathroom- thanks.

29.                  Be swept off your feet at least once knowing it probably isn’t going to last. Only partake in casual sex if your heart can handle it.

30.                  “Romantic” Love is largely a commercially driven pile of rubbish.

31.               I love pigs.

32.                  Love’s success or lack thereof may well boil down to the little things in the end, the shared workload, the selfless dependability, the give and take of duties and the balance of lovingly putting each other or children first as much as is possible. Love doesn't exist as a thing in its own right I don't think. Its just about giving really, I think. At 80 years old when all the distractions of life are gone and we're not so busy doing what we have always done, stimulating each other’s brains through good conversation, recalling special memories shared together and lifting each other's soul through raucous laughter might be all that is left.

33.                  Ultimately life is a bit of a lottery anyway, some get luckier than others or make more luck for themselves. At least try give yourself a good chance from the off because despite your best efforts things might still not work out. See number 27. Number 27 and number 22 are inextricably linked.

34.                  Materialism is vulgar.

35.                  Travel solo with absolutely no definite idea where you’re going.

36.                  Being a mother is a truly remarkable thing, but know that it is not the sole purpose of life as a female. There are many different levels of sisterhood. None is higher or greater than the other.

37.                  Quality over quantity- pass time in the company of good and real friends, don’t fake it in an effort to avoid being on your own.

38.                Good communication skills are essential.
39.                  In the end what others think of you is none of your business.  This is your life so just be true to it and to yourself.

40.           Now....a pint of Murphy's and a pack of cheese and onion tayto would be lovely- nice one, cheers!

Saturday, 15 July 2017

I Complete Me

 “You complete me”, said Tom Cruise to RenĂ©e Zellweger as she stood doe- eyed across the room from him in the movie, Jerry Maguire. For many it was one of the stand out warm and fuzzy moments of the movie and for others and I refer to myself here when I say I think Jerry was very wrong.  I disagree with the idea that one single person can “complete” another.  A loved one should surely compliment you and add greatly to your existence, but that little utterance seems to infer that until you meet a life’s partner you are not fully complete as a person in your own right! What the hell is that about?

As long as you feel you need to have something be it a person an object or an experience in order to be complete then you are not yet complete. I've learned this the hard way. To be complete means to be thoroughly serene with things JUST as they are, knowing pleasure and pain will come and go and are largely surface phenomena. I feel complete now in my life, I feel in it my soul. There are still things I would still like but truthfully I need for very little anymore- my cup runeth over. This completeness has always been there on some level but as humans we get caught up in stuff..n stuff!
I’ve played a lot of different roles over the last nearly 38 years and although they’ve all been very instructive in my growth as a human they were making way for the one role I now feel most comfortable with- me! I’ve come to understand myself by knowing my true self only shows itself in each moment as I'm living it and accepting it. I am who I am in any given moment. We reveal ourselves not by showing the world who we are in a neatly packaged predictable definable box, no, but rather by the revealing of ourselves through honest interactions with others  as they naturally arise. 

Ultimately I want to share a lifetime with somebody whose company I actually really enjoy and ideally I'd fancy the pants off him too!  No big promises needed of endless love, marriage and  living happily after- not for me I don't think - just honest and open giving and receiving day in day out and more so during the tough times.  I am acutely aware I may not get all of these things because we don’t always get what we want. I may have to do some of it alone or differently but I do know what I want. Having had all these years to get to know myself, to know wild freedom as I’ve known it, to have known fear, joy, excitement, love, heartache, regret, forgiveness, risk and adventure too,  I have decided that I complete me.  So put that in your pipe and smoke it Jerry Maguire- ya gobshite!